Summon Quest
Beginning with Final Fantasy III, Summons became a regular addition to the games. Here you can complete certain tasks and spend Phoenix Pinions to get summons. Details on how to obtain each summon will be posted on the forums.
Group | Summons |
Cactuar, Cait Sith, Chocobo, Moomba Tonberry | |
Ark, Diabolos, Hades, Zalera, Zodiark | |
Brothers, Hashmal, Hecatonchier, Titan | |
Belias, Brynhildr, Ifrit, Phoenix | |
Mateus, Shiva | |
Alexander, Carbuncle, Ultima | |
Cuchulainn, Doomtrain | |
Adrammelech, Ixion, Odin, Quezacotl, Ramuh | |
Famfrit, Leviathan | |
Choas, Choco/Mog, Pandemona, Sylph | |
Adrammelech, Belias, Chaos, Cuchulainn, Exodus, Famfrit, Hashmal, Mateus, Shemhazai, Ultima, Zalera, Zermous, Zodiark |
Rank | # of Summons | Extra Requirements | Weekly Reward |
1 | None | None | |
10 | 1 Specialty |
Skilled Summoner Weekly: green, blue |
20 | 3 Specialties |
Expert Summoner Weekly: green, yellow, phoenix |
30 | 6 Specialties |
Master Summoner Weekly: ventus, potion |
40 | 8 Specialties | High Summoner Weekly: chest03 |
50 | All Specialities |
Grand Summoner Weekly: potion, phoenix, choice12 |
After you become a Grand Summoner, you may sell extra Phoenix Pinions at the Shop Exchange.
Apprentice Summoner:
Apprentice Summoner: yellow, red, blue
Skilled Summoner:
Skilled Summoner: yellow, red, green, remedy, cieth, ether, chest01
Expert Summoner:
Expert Summoner: yellow, white, yellow, green, black, green, cieth, potion, phoenix, remedy, remedy, chest05, chest02
Master Summoner:
Master Summoner: purple, yellow, white, green, purple, purple, red, black, green, red, cieth, potion, ether, redcieth, ether, chest02, chest01, chest02
High Summoner:
High Summoner: choice05, choice12, choice11, choice03, chest02, chest04
Grand Summoner:
Grand Summoner: choice03, choice12, choice08, choice01, blue, purple, purple, purple, red, remedy, elixir, chest03, chest02
Summoner Specialties
Animal Lover / Dark Evoker / Thunder StomperAnimal Lover/Dark Evoker/Thunder Stomper: choice04, choice12, choice11, choice05, choice12, chest01, chest02
Earth Shaker / Fire Hazard / Wind Chaser
Earth Shaker/Fire Hazard/Wind Chaser: choice02, choice05, choice05, choice06, chest05, chest03
Holy Smitten
Holy Smitten: choice06, choice12, choice07, chest03
Frozen Solid / Poison Dagger / Wave Runner
Frozen Solid/Poison Dagger/Wave Runner: choice03, choice10, chest01