Red Chocobo

Every time you take a red chocobo out, you get a red feather and the reward below.

Level 1:

Red Level 1: logokhbbs13, scales2, feather_red

Level 2:

Red Level 2: flan07, shell6, shell3, feather_red

Level 3:

Red Level 3: m-hotguys210, spoonybard22, scales4, scales4, scales3, feather_red

Level 4:

Red Level 4: perfectending101, chainofmemories22, plant1, insect8, flower6, flower2, feather_red

Level 5:

Red Level 5: oerba14, divetotheheart12, twilighttown23, insect4, scales4, plant6, random8, feather_red

Level 6:

Red Level 6: logoffiii03, thunder13, timetravelers27, ether, plant6, scales1, insect4, random1, feather_red

Level 7:

Red Level 7: crystarium04, purebloodheartless08, floralfallal26, potion, potion, insect3, scales6, shell6, plant8, feather_yellow

Level 8:

Red Level 8: resincreatures214, renoac09, stationofawakening24, remedy, insect3, random3, shell1, random5, scales2, feather_red

Level 9:

Red Level 9: tripletriad11, theendofsin14, leonandcloud23, cieth, ether, orb_lightning, plant2, shell4, random5, random5, feather_red

Level 10:

Red Level10: chocoforests02, uldah07, classzero17, choice01, scales1, gem2, shell4, random5, scales8, feather_red