Status: Open | Members: 16
Decks: 325 | Cards: 5820
Every time you take a red chocobo out, you get a red feather and the reward below.
Level 1:
Red Level 1: timetravelers07, random7, feather_yellow
Level 2:
Red Level 2: fafnir01, plant1, plant8, feather_red
Level 3:
Red Level 3: softrefresh03, iifatree28, flower5, insect8, insect8, feather_red
Level 4:
Red Level 4: yuffiekh07, iiicomplete24, insect5, flower2, scales5, insect4, feather_red
Level 5:
Red Level 5: khbbsopening110, modeoftransport12, vadvance27, shell4, flower2, scales2, shell3, feather_yellow
Level 6:
Red Level 6: sisterwarriors02, logoffxiv07, stationofawakening28, ether, scales4, shell8, plant5, insect5, feather_red
Level 7:
Red Level 7: 500cards09, skypirates01, rubrumperistylium28, remedy, potion, insect1, insect7, scales8, plant6, feather_red
Level 8:
Red Level 8: lightning01, oriense07, stationofsleeping28, elixir, flower1, plant4, gem3, flower7, scales8, feather_red
Level 9:
Red Level 9: connectedworld05, tagalongs06, thehunnytree22, ether, phoenix, flower6, gem3, flower5, scales5, plant8, feather_red
Level 10:
Red Level10: khbbsopening204, loveofafather09, timetravelers28, choice10, flower7, plant5, random2, random8, plant3, feather_red