Keyblade Shop

Exchange Packs

Keyblade Red Pack: fullthrottle08, spherecoins13, fang02, rikkusdressspheres03,

Keyblade Blue Pack: remedy, terra, elixir,

Keyblade Green Pack: choice02, choice10,

Keyblade Multi Pack: xiiieidolons208, lightning15, ether, remedy, choice05,

Keyblades for Packs

You can only exchange these after you have completed the Keyholes sidequest!

3 Kingdom Keyblades

Kingdom Pack: x07, stationofawakening11, caveofwonders03, balambgarden06, leviathan03, lakebresha08,

3 Oblivion Keyblades

Oblivion Pack: choice09, choice05, choice04, choice11,