Cid's Parts Match

Cid is looking for parts to fix his airship. If you have any of these parts, Cid is willing to give you rewards them. (You get to keep the parts.)

Parts Needed: spherecoins10, forherprotection29, freewill08, 012cosmos30, licenseboard05

Rewards for Parts

Take the EXP no matter what prize you get. Even if you don't have any of the parts needed you can at least take the EXP.

Cids Parts: 26 EXP

1 Part Matched:

Cids Parts (1): gil20

2 Parts Matched:

Cids Parts (2): timetravelers04, tagalongs21

3 Parts Matched:

Cids Parts (3): oerba07, potion

4 Parts Matched:

Cids Parts (4): bahamut10, x219, chest03

5 Parts Matched:

Cids Parts (5): fullpartyselected12, ivcomplete27, tt-0403, chest01