Blue Chocobo

Every time you take a blue chocobo out, you get a blue feather and the reward below.

Level 1:

Blue Level 1: mamacactoid07, random2, feather_blue

Level 2:

Blue Level 2: sorrow12, random4, insect6, feather_blue

Level 3:

Blue Level 3: logoffta210, baroncastle29, shell3, shell2, shell8, feather_blue

Level 4:

Blue Level 4: logobeforecrisis13, midgar20, flower3, shell5, random6, shell7, feather_blue

Level 5:

Blue Level 5: locationfound05, rikkusintrox01, dreamdropdistance25, shell3, flower4, flower6, flower2, feather_blue

Level 6:

Blue Level 6: restingattheinn202, blizzard14, 012chaos19, phoenix, flower7, shell1, scales4, flower4, feather_black

Level 7:

Blue Level 7: m-ffsetting03, m-ffsetting13, thehunnytree16, cieth, terra, random2, insect2, insect1, orb_water, feather_blue

Level 8:

Blue Level 8: m-rogues15, spira15, iiicomplete16, potion, orb_water, shell3, shell3, scales8, random8, feather_blue

Level 9:

Blue Level 9: meteor03, pastzanarkand01, vii10thanniversary19, potion, remedy, insect5, insect8, flower1, flower3, plant6, feather_blue

Level 10:

Blue Level10: machinamaw09, cosmosalts315, 012cosmos22, choice08, shell2, shell7, plant2, shell5, scales2, feather_blue