Status: Open | Members: 16
Decks: 325 | Cards: 5820
Every time you take a black chocobo out, you get a black feather and the reward below.
Level 3:
Black Level 3: rubrumperistylium03, worldb30, flower3, flower2, insect7, feather_green
Level 4:
Black Level 4: gameover03, dirgeofcerberus30, enemy1, gem8, enemy5, wings7, feather_black
Level 5:
Black Level 5: tidus07, dispel14, twilighttown24, wings4, gem1, plant8, flower7, feather_blue
Level 6:
Black Level 6: sephirothac14, resincreatures205, dissidia27, phoenix, flower3, plant7, flower6, insect6, feather_black
Level 7:
Black Level 7: crystarium11, blitzball06, iifatree30, cieth, aqua, random4, gem6, wings3, enemy7, feather_black
Level 8:
Black Level 8: destinyislands14, fahrenheitairship06, stationofawakening28, potion, enemy2, enemy7, shell3, gem7, plant3, feather_black
Level 9:
Black Level 9: forherprotection15, stationofawakening08, leonandcloud24, potion, potion, random1, orb_ice, enemy3, shell1, insect3, feather_black
Level 10:
Black Level10: x13, ivfinale201, radiantgarden23, choice12, insect4, flower4, random7, wings5, enemy4, feather_blue