Pokemon Safari

Click on the proper symbol to trade in your Safari Gems for cards. Only a few general rules:

1. You can only exchange a max of 4 gems per week.
2. Each gem traded in must be a different type.
3. For each gem traded, choose one of the 3 cards that are offered.
(A few are not currently available until more Pokemon become available)

Safari (Bug): weedle07, scyther06, parasect01

Not Currently Available

Not Currently Available

Safari (Electric): jolteon06, voltorb07, electabuzz01

Safari (Fairy): mrmime05, wigglytuff02, wigglytuff01

Safari (Fighting): primeape04, machoke08,

Safari (Fire): growlithe04, typhlosion06, magmar01

Safari (Flying): pidgeotto02, gyarados07, charizard06

Not Currently Available

Safari (Grass): , chikorita06, venusaur06

Safari (Ground): cubone05, dugtrio01, nidoking08

Not Currently Available

Safari (Normal): pidgeotto04, snorlax04, farfetchd01

Safari (Poison): beedrill03, venusaur03, nidoranm02

Safari (Psychic): kadabra03, jynx01, hypno02

Safari (Rock): rhyhorn06, kabutops01, geodude04

Not Currently Available

Safari (Water): kingler01, omastar01, gyarados02