Poké Mart

Purchase or Exchange Packs. (Please note that some packs are not available to exchange due to low Pokémon count.

Purchase Packs

Rainbow - Costs 500 Poké Coins
Choice - Costs 600 Poké Coins
When you purchase a choice card, please choose your choice card immediately.

Poke Mart: 1 Rainbow Pack, -500 Poke Coins

Please choose a choice card and log it.
Poke Mart: (choice card), -600 Poke Coins

Redeem Packs - Rainbow

Click icon to exchange pack. You will need to refresh page if exchanging more than one.

Rainbow Pack: magikarp01, feraligatr02, cyndaquil03,

Redeem Packs - Type Packs

Click the type you wish to exchange. If you have more than one of that type, please refresh the page.

Bug Pack: caterpie03, caterpie04, scyther05, megalucario06

Not Currently Available

Not Currently Avilable

Electric Pack: raichu02, raichu05, voltorb03, kantoglkoga03

Fairy Pack: jigglypuff03, clefairy07, mrmime03, kantoe4agatha06

Fighting Pack: hitmonlee06, hitmonlee07, primeape04, kantoglltsurge02

Fire Pack: charizard01, cyndaquil04, ninetales07, kantostarters07

Flying Pack: pidgeot01, scyther01, fearow01, teaminstinct07

Not Currently Avilable

Grass Pack: vileplume08, venusaur03, exeggutor03, traineriris08

Ground Pack: rhydon06, rhyhorn08, dugtrio07, kantoglmisty10

Not Currently Avilable

Normal Pack: farfetchd06, lickitung02, fearow04, kantoglkoga09

Poison Pack: weedle02, tentacool08, ekans03, kantoglltsurge10

Psychic Pack: hypno03, alakazam03, starmie02, berries02

Rock Pack: kabuto01, geodude02, rhydon05, kantostarters10

Not Currently Avilable

Water Pack: kingler04, kabutops06, omanyte07, traineriris03