Pokemon Center
Deck Mastery Rewards
Platinum - Mastering 1-12 of a deck.
Puzzle - Mastering Puzzled Decks
You will need to refresh for multiple masteries of the same type.

(deckname) Silver Mastery: diglett02, krabby03, kadabra08, +100 Pokecoins

(deckname) Platinum Mastery: grimer01, arcanine02, 20thannmythical10, +200 Pokecoins

(deckname) Mastery: tangela01, megacharizardy07, kantoglbrock01, +100 Pokecoins
Level Ups
Pokemon Collected - Every time you move up on the Trainer List.
You will need to refresh for multiple level ups completions of the same type.

(#) Card Worth Level: ninetales03, rattata01, +50 Pokecoins

Leveled up (Level Name): charmander07, grimer04, golduck09, +200 Pokecoins
Trading Rewards
Friend Cards - Every 5 you collect
You will need to refresh for multiple level ups/trade card completions of the same type.

30 Candies Collected: Rainbow Pack, -30 Candies

5 Friend Cards: pack-water, pack-psychic
Doubles Exchange
Rare - All cards (except puzzles) 9-12
Puzzle - For all Puzzle cards
You will need to refresh the page if you are exchanging more than what is shown.

Doubles Exchange Regular: raticate05, pidgeot04, mankey06

Doubles Exchange Rare: graveler10, persian10, valentines111

Doubles Exchange Puzzle: teamup05, unovastarters06, w19pikachulogo04