Items are here to help you get more cards and keep on collecting.
Pokecoins are a mini currency here that you can earn playing games, mastering decks, and leveling up. To spend Pokecoins, be sure to visit the Poke Mart!
The Pokecoins:
Safari Tokens
While Playing games, you'll sometimes earn safari gems. You can visit the Pokemon Safari to obtain pokemon from a specific type based on the gem you have.
The Tokens:

Type Packs
While playing games, you may find yourself obtaining type packs. These packs grant you two cards for that specific type and a puzzle card. As a note: Rare cards will never be found in Type Packs.
The Packs:

Rainbow Pack
Rainbow Packs are rare packs that you can obtain either by trading or purchasing in the Poke Mart. Events may also have a chance of giving one. Rainbow Packs grant 3 Normal Cards and 1 Rare Card.
The Pack: