Black Chocobo

Every time you take a black chocobo out, you get a black feather and the reward below.

Level 3:

Black Level 3: no1rival13, 012chaos24, scales6, wings5, insect5, feather_black

Level 4:

Black Level 4: logoffii01, stationofdreams17, enemy8, wings8, random3, random7, feather_blue

Level 5:

Black Level 5: storybook15, dispel01, chainofmemories27, scales8, flower5, wings7, orb_dark, feather_black

Level 6:

Black Level 6: mezzocarattere09, ourpromise01, stationofdreams23, potion, wings5, flower1, wings1, enemy3, feather_blue

Level 7:

Black Level 7: meteor09, logoffxiv09, stationofsleeping16, elixir, remedy, gem8, flower3, gem8, insect1, feather_blue

Level 8:

Black Level 8: esuna10, liberifatali212, firstlove19, ether, scales5, insect4, enemy8, scales5, insect6, feather_green

Level 9:

Black Level 9: locationfound08, logobeforecrisis13, stationoffreedom22, elixir, remedy, wings2, wings3, random2, gem8, flower4, feather_green

Level 10:

Black Level10: locationfound11, completedgame04, x30, choice06, orb_dark, shell3, flower7, random2, shell7, feather_green